Chapter #2 Solutions - Essentials of Meteorology - C Donald Ahrens - 6th Edition

1qr. Distinguish between temperature and heat. Get solution

1qt. Explain why the bridge in ? Fig. 2.28 is the first to become icy. ... Get solution

2qr. How does the average speed (motion) of air molecules relate to the air temperature? Get solution

2qt. If the surface of a puddle freezes, is heat energy released to or taken from the air above the puddle? Explain. Get solution

3qr. Explain how heat is transferred in our atmosphere by: (a) conduction (b) convection (c) radiation. Get solution

3qt. In houses and apartments with forced-air furnaces, heat registers are usually placed near the floor rather than near the ceiling. Explain why. Get solution

4qr. What is latent heat? How is latent heat an important source of atmospheric energy? Get solution

4qt. How is heat transferred away from the surface of the moon? (Hint: The moon has no atmosphere.) Get solution

5qr. How does the Kelvin temperature scale differ from the Celsius scale? Get solution

5qt. Which do you feel would have the greatest effect on the earth’s greenhouse effect: removing all of the CO2 from the atmosphere or removing all of the water vapor? Explain your answer. Get solution

6qr. How does the amount of radiation emitted by the earth differ from that emitted by the sun? Get solution

6qt. How would the seasons be affected where you live if the tilt of the earth’s axis increased from 231⁄2° to 40°? Get solution

7qr. How does the temperature of an object influence the radiation it emits? Get solution

7qt. Explain why an increase in cloud cover surrounding the earth would increase the earth’s albedo, yet not necessarily lead to a lower earth surface temperature. Get solution

8qr. How do the wavelengths of most of the radiation emitted by the sun differ from those emitted by the surface of the earth? Get solution

8qt. Why does the surface temperature often increase on a clear, calm night as a low cloud moves overhead? Get solution

9qr. When a body reaches a radiative equilibrium temperature, what is taking place? Get solution

9qt. Would you expect the earth’s surface temperature to continue to rise if CO2 levels continue to increase but levels of atmospheric water vapor begin to decrease? Explain your reasoning. Get solution

10qr. Why are carbon dioxide and water vapor called selective absorbing greenhouse gases? Get solution

10qt. Explain (with the aid of a diagram) why the morning sun in the Northtern Hemisphere shines brightly through a south-facing bedroom window in December, but not in June. Get solution

11qr. List four important greenhouse gases in the earth’s atmosphere. Get solution

11qt. In New York City, the intensity of sunlight and the number of daylight hours are almost identical on October 21 and February 21. Why, then, in New York City is it normally much colder on February 21? Get solution

12qr. Explain how the earth’s atmospheric greenhouse effect works. Get solution

13qr. What greenhouse gases appear to be responsible for the enhancement of the earth’s greenhouse effect? Get solution

14qr. Why does the albedo of the earth and its atmosphere average about 30 percent? Get solution

15qr. How is the lower atmosphere warmed from the surface upward? Get solution

16qr. Explain how the earth and its atmosphere balance incoming energy with outgoing energy. Get solution

17qr. In the Northern Hemisphere, why are summers warmer than winters even though the earth is actually closer to the sun in January? Get solution

18qr. What are the main factors that determine seasonal temperature variations? Get solution

19qr. If it is winter and January in New York City, what is the season and month in Sydney, Australia? Get solution

20qr. During the Northern Hemisphere’s summer, the daylight hours in northern latitudes are longer than in middle latitudes. Explain why northern latitudes are not warmer. Get solution

21qr. During July, daylight hours in far northern latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere are longer than daylight hours in the middle latitudes. Explain why far northern latitudes are not warmer than middle latitudes. Get solution

22qr. Explain why the vegetation on the north-facing side of a hill is frequently different from the vegetation on the south-facing side of the same hill. Get solution